Welcome to the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's (CBC) Searchable Best Books List, a tool designed to help educators, families, librarians, and others access developmentally appropriate and engaging books for young readers (ages birth - 18).

Our online Searchable Best Books List draws from the committee's annual Best Children's Books of the Year-beginning with the list of books published in 2000-with each featuring more than 600 high-quality titles for young readers.

To share feedback about the tool, please feel free to email bookcom@bankstreet.edu. To learn more about the CBC, visit https://www.bankstreet.edu/cbc/.

How to Perform a Search and Save a List

We Stand as One

by Laura B. Edge

Ages: 9+

Published: 2010

Publisher: Twenty-First Century Books

ISBN: 978-0-7613-4609-8

Keywords: Women's Labor Movement

Risking imprisonment, abuse, and their lives when they protested in 1909 in New York City, teenaged girls helped change the way factories were run. Resources include footnotes, bibliography and web sites.