Welcome to the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's (CBC) Searchable Best Books List, a tool designed to help educators, families, librarians, and others access developmentally appropriate and engaging books for young readers (ages birth - 18).

Our online Searchable Best Books List draws from the committee's annual Best Children's Books of the Year-beginning with the list of books published in 2000-with each featuring more than 600 high-quality titles for young readers.

To share feedback about the tool, please feel free to email bookcom@bankstreet.edu. To learn more about the CBC, visit https://www.bankstreet.edu/cbc/.

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Diary of a Would-be Princess
by Jessica Green
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
In contemporary Australia, Jillian finds her niche with the help of an exceptional teacher in the world of in-crowds and cliques.

Do Not Pass Go
by Kirkpatrick Hill
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Initially ashamed when his father is jailed for drug use, Deet makes discoveries about prison, his family and himself.

Do The Math: Secrets, Lies, And Algebra
by Wendy Lichtman
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Tess uses math to help her solve life's problems, but what happens when there is no right answer?

Dragon's Keep
by Janet Lee Carey
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
A strangely handicapped princess overcomes adversity through strength of character. Well-crafted.

Edward's Eyes
by Patricia MacLachlan
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Jake's younger brother, Edward speaks French and throws a knuckleball. Jake loves him dearly--and then--

by Jerry Spinelli
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Angry nine-year-old David finds an unlikely friend in a quirky thirteen-year-old.

Elephant Run
by Roland Smith
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Steamy jungles, elephant handlers, a Japanese invasion and young love make for an exotic adventure in 1940s Burma.

Elijah of Buxton
by Christopher Paul Curtis
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Born in freedom in Buxton, Canada in 1860, eleven-year old Elijah goes to school, helps on the farm until...he is thrust into the terrible life that might have been.

Henry's Freedom Box
by Ellen Levine
Illustrator: Kadir Nelson
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
An enslaved man escapes to the north, based on a true story. Expressive illustrations.

Hitler's Canary
by Sandi Toksvig
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
During World War II a Danish theatrical family must face Nazi occupation and decide how to fight the persecution of the Jews.

How it Happened in Peach Hill
by Marthe Jocelyn
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
During the early 1920s. a fifteen-year-old struggles to free herself from her role as assistant in her mother's phoney clairvoyant practice.

How to Steal a Dog
by Barbara O'Connor
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Georgina, who lives in an old car, devises a disasterous plan to improve her family's fortunes.

In Jessie's Shoes
by Beverly Lewis
Illustrator: Laura Nikiel
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Allie is in charge of her older autistic brother. Although she resents his behavior, she learns to appreciate his attributes.

Iron Thunder
by Avi
Illustrator: C.B. Mordan
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
A thirteen-year-old needing a job, unexpectedly finds himself at the center of a famous naval batle.

Kimchi & Calamari
by Roae Kent
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
A Korean child, adopted by an Italian American family, reaches his teens and begins to struggle with feelings of alienation.

by Jane Breskin Zalben
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
A serious medical mishap causes Daniel, a promising swimmer, to lean on his friend Krista for help.

Letters From The Corrugated Castle
by Joan W. Blos
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Thirteen-year-old Eudora meets the mother who lost her and learns compassion for poor Mexican children.

Little Klein
by Anne Ylvisaker
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Nine-year-old Harold's big brothers always come to the rescue. Will he be able to help them when they get into trouble?

Little Squire: The Jumping Pony
by Judy Andrekson
Illustrator: David Parkins
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
In the 1930s, the Irish-born Connemara pony and his rider, Mickey Walsh, weather hard times to become champions in America.

Louisiana's Song
by Kerry Madden
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Outspoken and resourceful, twelve-year-old Olivia Weems helps keep her struggling mountain family together after her father's car accident.

Mack McGinn's Big Win
by Coleen Murtagh Paratore
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
In Mack's struggle to prove he is best at something, he inadvertently shows his family what matters to him most.

Magic in the Margins
by W. Nikola-Lisa
Illustrator: Bonnie Christensen
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Simon, apprentice scribe to the monks, learns the meaning of imagination as he aspires to illuminate a manuscript. Ink and tempera illuminations.

Missing Magic
by Emma Laybourn
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
When trouble strikes, eleven-year-old Ned finds out there might be more to lacking magical ability than he realized.

My Last Best Friend
by Julie Bowe
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
Ida May struggles valiently with losing her best friend and the challenge of finding a new one.

Night of the Howling Dogs
by Graham Salisbury
Ages: 9+
Published: 2007
In a remote spot on the island of Hawaii, a Boy Scout troop survives an earthquake and a tsunami. Based on a true incident.