Welcome to the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's (CBC) Searchable Best Books List, a tool designed to help educators, families, librarians, and others access developmentally appropriate and engaging books for young readers (ages birth - 18).

Our online Searchable Best Books List draws from the committee's annual Best Children's Books of the Year-beginning with the list of books published in 2000-with each featuring more than 600 high-quality titles for young readers.

To share feedback about the tool, please feel free to email bookcom@bankstreet.edu. To learn more about the CBC, visit https://www.bankstreet.edu/cbc/.

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Apollo 8: The Mission That Changed Everything
by Martin W. Sandler
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
In this exciting history, the United States sets out to send a mission around the Moon. Archival photographs, bibliography, citations.

Aru Shah and the End of Time
by Roshani Chokshi
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Aru and her new-found “sister” Mini work together to battle evil forces in the world of the Mahabharata come to life in 20th Century America

A Stitch in Time
by Daphne Kalmar
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
When her beloved pops dies, Donut's aunt comes to take her from her familiar rural Vermont home to live in Boston. What can eleven-year-old Donut do but run away?

Begone the Raggedy Witches
by Celine Kiernan
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
When witches carry off her father, Mup discovers that she comes from a magical family. Can she help rescue him from her tyrannical grandmother, the queen of the Glittering Land?

Betty Before X
by Ilyasah Shabazz
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Betty Sanders, who will one day marry Malcolm X, enjoys her friends, her adoptive family, and community volunteering in 1940's Detroit, but increasingly notices the blight of racial prejudice. Author's note, timeline.

by Wendy Mass
Illustrator: Nicholas Gannon
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
ARC Five years ago, Livy promised Bob, a greenish creature dressed in a chicken suit, that she would help take him home. Will she keep her promise?

Bold & Brave
by Kirsten Gillibrand
Illustrator: Maira Kalman
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Celebrating the 19th Amendment, Gillibrand tells about the strong women in her family and links the story to ten suffragettes. Exciting, colorful gouache illustrations.

Brave Jane Austen
by Lisa Pliscou
Illustrator: Jen Corace
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
In a poor but stimulating and supportive family, persistence and curiosity marked the early years of the author's life. Ink, gouache, acrylic illustrations. Back matter.

Camp Panda
by Catherine Thimmesh
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
China struggles with the near extinction of the panda, its national symbol, with innovative efforts to reintroduce them into the wild. Photographs, maps and extensive back matter.

Captain Superlative!
by J.S. Puller
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Janey is comfortable moving under the radar and avoiding confrontation until a disguised classmate, Captain Superlative, swoops down the hall and changes her life

Carlos Santana
by Gary Golio
Illustrator: Rudy Gutierrez
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Vibrant, dynamic, Mexican-inflected multimedia illustrations focus on the childhood of the innovative rock-fusion musician.

Charlie Hernandez & the League of Shadows
by Ryan Calejo
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Charlie and Violet battle frightening monsters and evil spirits as they try to find Charlie's vanished parents.

by Cynthia Kadohata
Illustrator: Maurizio Zorat
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Eleven-year-old half-Japanese Conor lives for hockey, a passion his cop father shares. His dog's cancer and the cost of elite-sports force choices without dampening Conor's passion.

Class Action
by Steven B. Frank
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
With the help of his neighbor, sister, and friends, Sam, 11, sues the school board for “no more homework” -- all the way to the Supreme Court. Glossary of legal terms and a list of cited court cases.

by Vince Vawter
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
ARC To keep his promise to spread her ashes at the mouth of the Mississippi, young Vic goes on an adventurous journey.

by Suzanne Slade
Illustrator: Thomas Gonzalez
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Space travel, a dream of President Kennedy, becomes a reality when the United States lands a man on the moon. Told in blank verse with photographs, bibliography, and citations.

Cute As An Axolotl
by Jess Keating
Illustrator: David DeGrand
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Seventeen adorable critters show that cuteness in any species is more than skin deep. Brilliant photographs and graphics.

Dragons in a Bag
by Zetta Elliott
Illustrator: Geneva B
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Ma isn't who Jaxon thought she was. She's a witch with some beasts that must get out of Brooklyn and back to where they belong. Occasional black-and-white illustrations.

Eat This!
by Andrea Curtis
Illustrator: Peggy Collins
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Advertising tricks and techniques are revealed, empowering kids to make healthy food and drink choices. Drawings, photos, sidebars, and suggested activities included.

Eavesdropping on Elephants
by Patricia Newman
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Cornell University's Elephant Listening Project works in the central African rain forest to save endangered African forest elephants and all forest life. Photographs, maps, sources.

Ebb & Flow
by Heather Smith
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
After a wrenching year, Jett, almost 12, is sent to the coast to spend the summer with Grandma Jo. A compassionate tale of betrayal and forgiveness in free verse.

by Margaret McNamara
Illustrator: Esmé Shapiro
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
A wife emerges from the shadow of her famous husband in imaginary letters revealing her varied strengths. Primitive-style mixed media illustrations. Back matter.

Endling: The Last
by Katherine Applegate
Illustrator: Max Kostenko
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
When Byx's pack is killed, she allies with unlikely creatures in a quest to find fellow dairnes, dog-like creatures, or face the fact that she is the last of her species. Expressive black-and-white illustrations.

by Scott Kelly
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Kelly describes his journey from school failure to become an astronaut who spent a whole year on the International Space Station. Color and black-and-white photographs. Back matter.

by Emily Easton
Illustrator: Ziyue Chen
Ages: 9+
Published: 2018
Inspired by the the tragic Parkland shooting, this book discusses twenty people who used peaceful protest and actions to effect change. Colorful digital art. Back matter.