Welcome to the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's (CBC) Searchable Best Books List, a tool designed to help educators, families, librarians, and others access developmentally appropriate and engaging books for young readers (ages birth - 18).

Our online Searchable Best Books List draws from the committee's annual Best Children's Books of the Year-beginning with the list of books published in 2000-with each featuring more than 600 high-quality titles for young readers.

To share feedback about the tool, please feel free to email bookcom@bankstreet.edu. To learn more about the CBC, visit https://www.bankstreet.edu/cbc/.

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Between Heaven and Earth
by Howard Norman
Illustrator: Leo and Diane Dillon
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Five stories about our feathered friends, along with cultural background. Bold, detailed paintings filled with colors and patterns,

Beyond the Deepwoods
by Paul Stewart
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
See: Midnight Over Sanctaphrax

by Angela Johnson
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Running away in search of her stepfather, a thirteen-year-old girl discovers unconditional love and truth.

Blue Fingers
by Cheryl Aylward Whitesel
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
In 1545 Japan, Koji is kidnapped by a secret ninja clan. Will he escape---or become a ninja himself?

Buttermilk Hill
by Ruth White
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Her parents' divorce brings unwelcome changes to Piper's life, but strong friendships, a loving family and her own poetry all help her adjust.

Cabin on Trouble Creek
by Jean Van Leeuwen
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
While waiting for the rest of their family to arrive from the East, two young brothers survive a harsh winter in the 1803 Ohio Wilderness with the help of an old Lenape Indian.

Charlie's Raven
by Jean Craighead George
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Following Indian legend, Charlie brings home a baby raven to help cure his ailing grandfather.

by Monica Furlong
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Colman and his cousin, Wise child, use their developing magic powers to overcome evil Meroot and Gray Knight and restore Juniper's Cornwall kingdom to her brother.

Defending Irene
by Kristin Wolden Nitz
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Irene, a visitor from the United States, tries to single handedly “integrate” an all-boy's Italian soccer team.

written and ill. by James Rumford
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
The discovery of the beautiful Hawaiian Islands by five Polynesian brothers. Contains anthology of the islands' endemic and endangered species. Descriptive watercolors.

by Helen Fox
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
EGR3, a new experimental robot, helps Garvin and Fleur uncover troubling truths which could endanger their world.

Escape Across the Wide Sea
by Katherine Kirkpatrick
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
In 1686, nine-year-old Daniel and his family flee Huguenot persecution in France and arrive in the New York colony after a long and arduous trip aboard a slave ship.

by L.S. Matthews
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
A family of aid workers fleeing the chaos of war rescue a fish and themselves.

From the Lighthouse
by Liz Chipman
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Weezie's courage and Dad's strength enable the Blooms to survive the realization that Ma is not coming back.

Funerals & Fly Fishing
by Mary Bartek
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
When Brad reluctantly spends the summer with his estranged undertaker grandfather, he learns about his mother's childhood and himself.

Goodbye, Charley
by Jane Buchanan
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
The Massachusetts summer of 1943 is troubling for twelve-year-old Celie and her family until the unexpected gift of a monkey livens things up.

Hachiko Waits
by Lesléa Newman
Illustrator: Machiyo Kodaira
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Supremely faithful dog portrayed in simple text and black-and- white illustrations.

Hard Times For Jake Smith
by Aileen Kilgore Henderson
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Abandoned by her poverty-stricken parents, twelve-year-old MaryJake masquerades as a boy before discovering secrets about her own family.

by Sharon Creech
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Twelve-year-old Annie, who loves to run, faces the rhythms of her life--her mother's pregnancy, grandfather's forgetfulness and her friend Max's moods. Tenderly told in free verse.

Holding at Third
by Linda Zinnen
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Matt struggles with his feelings towards his older brother whose battle with cancer has uprooted Matt's life.

Horse Hooves and Chicken Feet
selected by Neil Philip
Illustrator: Jacqueline Mair
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Blend of folkloric elements and Catholic imagery in 15 folk tales retold in a variety of styles. Native style illustrations. Notes on origins and sources.

by Joy Cowley
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Two worlds intersect when her Maori ancestor helps Jordan and her brothers survive a disaster in the wilderness of New Zealand's fiordland.

Ida B
by Katherine Hannigan
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
When her world turns upside down, Ida B. gets angry, very angry...until, with the help of a wonderful teacher, she calms down.

I Know Who Likes You
by Doug Cooney
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Swimming Pool's journey into femininity assisted by her male friends, Dusty and Ernie. Companion to Beloved Dearly.

Inside Grandad
by Peter Dickinson
Ages: 9+
Published: 2004
Their loving relationship enables Gavin to help Grandad after his stroke--with the help of the Selkies.