Welcome to the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's (CBC) Searchable Best Books List, a tool designed to help educators, families, librarians, and others access developmentally appropriate and engaging books for young readers (ages birth - 18).

Our online Searchable Best Books List draws from the committee's annual Best Children's Books of the Year-beginning with the list of books published in 2000-with each featuring more than 600 high-quality titles for young readers.

To share feedback about the tool, please feel free to email bookcom@bankstreet.edu. To learn more about the CBC, visit https://www.bankstreet.edu/cbc/.

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Shark Girl
by Kelly Bingham
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Victim of a shark attack, fifteen-year-old Jane has to face high school without her right arm.

Shining On
forward by Lois Lowry
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Well-known authors explore the trials and tribulations of growing up.

Skin Hunger
by Kathleen Duey
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
The lives of Sadima and Hahp are divided by centuries but united in their search for true magic.

Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You
by Peter Cameron
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
James is eighteen, doesn't fit anywhere, doesn't like people, fears going to college and acts out.

Song of the Sparrow
by Lisa Ann Sandell
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
A prose-poem based on the Tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table told from a feminist point of view.

Strange Relations
by Sonia Levitin
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
The culture shock of her summer with Chasidic relatives in Hawaii leads to growth and understanding for Marne.

by Ron Koertge
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Sixteen-year-old Ted communicates better with animals than with humans, as he endures his life in a foster home.

Tall Tales
by Karen Day
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
When Meg moves again to a new town, her lies about her father's drinking threaten an important new friendship.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
by Sherman Alexie
Illustrator: Ellen Forney
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Junior tackles basketball, his ex-best friend, poverty, puberty and hope after leaving a reservation to attend an all-white school.

The Arrival
written and ill. by Shaun Tan
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
The haunting wordless story of a man seeking a new life for his family in a strange new world. Extraordinary, realistic sepia illustrations.

The Book of Time
by Guillaume Prévost
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
In search of his missing father, Sam finds a path that takes him back in time to old Ireland, ancient Egypt and other exciting places by following clues.

The Breakup Bible
by Melissa Kantor
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Learning what matters helps high-school junior Jen grow through the turmoils of a romantic breakup.

The Corps Of The Bare-Boned Plane
by Polly Horvath
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
After their parents' death, teenage cousins are sent to live with their eccentric uncle on an isolated island to deal with their grief.

The Hollow People
by Brian Keaney
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
An authoritarian government headed by evil Dr. Sigmundis controls its population with drugs, but a stalwart band resists by exploring reality's limits.

The Land Of The Silver Apples
by Nancy Farmer
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Amidst the conflicting beliefs of eighth century Britain, a quest leads Jack to Elfland and the truth about his sister Lucy.

The Miner's Daughter
by Gretchen Moran Laskas
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
A gritty survivor, Willa longs for a life beyond what depression-ridden West Virginia is able to offer.

The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World
by E.L. Konigsburg
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
As he gets to know his eccentric neighbor, eleven-year-old Amadeo has a hunch that his dream of making an important discovery may be fulfilled.

The New Policeman
by Kate Thompson
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
While journeying in another world to find more time for his mother, J. J. discovers a family secret.

The Night Tourist
by Katherine Marsh
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
In this suspenseful retelling of the Orpheus legend, a lonely prodigy, Jack Perdu, has an adventure in Manhattan's underground.

The Off Season
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
All D.J.'s resources are called upon when his football star brother, Win, is paralyzed by an injury.

The Poison Apples
by Lily Archer
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Boarding school buddies Alice, Reena and Molly's plots of revenge against their evil step-mothers take some unexpected twists and turns.

The Princess and the Hound
by Mette Ivie Harrison
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Prince George has “animal magic” in a kingdom that bars it. He marries a princess of a rival kingdom, whom he met first as a hound.

The Secret Life Of Sparrow Delaney
by Suzanne Harper
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Communicating with spirits is the family business, but Sparrow hides her extraordinary powers until a persistent ghost persuades her to solve a mystery.

The Silenced
by James DeVita
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
Marina struggles bravely and creatively against the grim totalitarian system in which she lives.

The Traitors' Gate
by Avi
Ages: 12+
Published: 2007
In 1849 London, fourteen-year-old John struggles to solve the mystery of a scheme which lands his father in debtor's prison.